Skids up!!!!
Ok First things first
How the fuck can a car get a headshot?!?
Those voiceovers ARE nice with the military crumbling apart on the radio but I HATE the main dudes voice, Sounds ratty as shit but then his names vinnie.
( isnt it? )
Anyway, Im MASSIVELY Impressed!
The zombies..... The zombies are fucking awesome, Well well well WELL Drawn and the just look grotesquely beautiful, especially when they are clinging on to the hood of the car, heh heh, and the gore is really well implemented.
also props for the super zombie, He is well cool!!!
Speaking of gore, The windscreen key....... :)
I never thought that would have worked but its fucking bad ass the way you implemented the whole windscreen mechanic, I orignally just thought it was for asthetics but when you get to brighton square that fucking windscreen saves your bacon more times than I'd like to say. also nice touch with the ability to punch out the windscreen.
The controls also, They are not fucking bad, Its pretty easy to weave in and about all the carnage and attempt to avoid those stupid pedestrians.
Although I know you added the horn to warn folk out the way I kinda feel it doesnt work, They just act a bit frenzied anyway, although Yeah Its pretty damn good for attracting stupid zombies.
The helicopter was a good idea too although IF you ever plan in making a sequel then add the option to shoot out the front/side.
( use the mouse pointer and click, that would have saved my hide from military knobs and stupid copters, Think about it please!)
OK Im going back to play this fucker, STILL NEED TO FINISH IT!!!
Still also need to play those other fucking modes!!! :3